Wednesday, 16 January 2013
3D Photosynth of the loft room...
You may be prompted to install Microsoft silverlight plugin in order to view the virtual tour -this should download automatically. Also you might need to refresh the web page after the installation for the plugin to load.
Main loft room finished!
Working on the loft bathrooms.
The end result after grouting:
There were 2 sinks like this to do, the other 2 sinks in the main bathroom area are not going to be tiled due to the size of the splashback area.
We had a box constructed to fit the sinks against in the main bathroom area as the walls are sloping here. We fitted a piece of pine on top of the box to create a shelf:
Generous amounts of all purpose glue on top:
The pine timber that has been varnished and stained glued on:
More loft renovations...
Fitting skirting to the loft, about 100 metres worth for this floor!
Treating the old oak flooring with a generous coating of linseed oil:
You can see the floor after the Linseed oil in the next picture it really makes a big difference.
Constructing the single beds, takes about an hour per bed - 9 to do in total!